Shannon Winning

“I am fascinated by creativity and the interconnectivity of people and ideas.That’s why I love TED – it brings together people from all over the world who might never interact and gives them a forum to share diverse ideas and build on them, open source style. TED talks and the people who make them and watch them are such a hungry community.”
Shannon is a writer and New Jersey native who spends her free time at the beach year round. She lives with her three kids and boatbuilding husband in Oceanport. With a background in news reporting Shannon approaches life and work with a journalist’s curiosity and an eye for a good story. As an inbound marketer, she uses creative storytelling to help businesses connect with the people they serve through blogs, social media and email marketing. If she were to write a book it might be called, “Want More Customer Leads? Don’t Annoy People With Your Marketing.”