Rachel Dean


Rachel Dean

Rachel Dean

“Being a part of TEDxNavesink offers a student like myself a chance at new learning experiences in a stimulating atmosphere of dedicated and intelligent people.”

Social Media and Writing Intern

Rachel is a Connecticut native living in Long Branch, New Jersey. She is a sophomore at Monmouth University, majoring in Communication with a concentration in Journalism. Rachel works as a Resident Assistant and is part of the Honors School. When she is not tending to her on- campus responsibilities, you will find her reading or writing­ her two greatest passions.

She hopes to one day write consistently for a major publication and also have some of her creative work published. In the meantime, she dedicatedly blogs and occasionally writes for some of the on­campus publications. Her appreciation for creativity and her love of learning make her very excited to be a part of the team of TEDxNavesink volunteers.