
TEDxNavesink  2014 Tickets Are Now on Sale!

TEDxNavesink 2014 Tickets Are Now on Sale!

We’ve been teasing you long enough. There were private sales for our previous year ticket holders and members of Two River Theater, our gracious host. And now, finally, we swing open wide, the doors to the public. Tickets for TEDxNavesink  2014 are now on sale. This is a locally organized TED talks event (you know […]


TEDxNavesink: I’ve Got an Idea!

TEDxNavesink: I’ve Got an Idea!

Storytelling and sharing ideas are in our DNA. From cave paintings to Instagram, we are compelled to broadcast our ideas into the ether, to make a record of our stories, to leave a mark with our unique perspectives. It’s a compulsion. Our social media sharing (and over sharing) is our own personal painting on our […]
