TEDxNavesink Organizers & Entrepreneurs Share Tips for Business Success

 By Susan Chaney

Hurricane Sandy left a devastating path of destruction in its wake and we learned much about our communities, businesses and ourselves after the storm. It’s clear that it will take more than just a hammer and nails to rebuild. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it’s going to take a village to raise this village.

When I was young my mother would frequently remind me that life is not black or white. She would say, “When you ask a yes or no question, be prepared to get a yes or no answer.”  This didn’t make sense to me then but post-Sandy it rings loud and clear. Rebuilding is not black or white, and we must embrace discussion to learn from one another and progress. There is no yes or no answer. Let’s listen and learn from a village of voices that will help us to innovate and weather the next storm better.

The upcoming TEDxNavesink conference at Brookdale Community College Performing Arts Center on September 20, 2013 will host a myriad of forward-thinkers, offering their expertise and knowledge on how our region can gather the villagers and strategize for success.

Ideas such as:

Tip #1

“The path to growing your business starts with a focus on how you can provide additional value to your customers. What other problems do your customers have that you can solve? What other opportunities can you create for them? How can you make their lives easier? Thinking in this way will not only help you find new products or services you can offer, it will ensure that whatever new revenue streams you create are sustainable.” Jennifer Crews, Co-Host, TEDxNavesink & Principal, Fintelligent

Tip #2

“Put love into your business. Pick something you can be the best at. Find a problem that challenges customers that you like. If you love solving problems for a customer base you know and like, you’ll be great at your business. When you love your business, and you know your customers, you become the go-to expert.” Brian Smiga, Lead Organizer & Co-Host, TEDxNavesink, Co-Founder & Operating Partner, Alpha Venture Partners

Tip #3

“Bring your value proposition to life by thinking of your business as a story-teller. How can you create a steady stream of content that is relevant to your business and your customers? What form (long form, short form, video, images, curated quotes, etc.) will it take for customers to not only consume it, but feel enticed to pass it on to their friends.” Vidar Brekke, Web & Social Media, TEDxNavesink & CEO & Co-Founder, Meddle

Tip #4

“As we get closer, we also get farther away. Make time to connect in person when networking. Public relations and marketing in an online social world can become robotic. It’s vital that you stand out from the competition by showing up.” Jennifer Smiga, Founder, inBLOOM Communications.

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